There are many ways you can help the Aotearoa NZ Academy Choir to succeed and enable our organisation to deliver a programme of excellence for the choir.
We have come up with a few engaging options to direct donations towards people's interest:
- library and book lovers may like to support the purchase of a new set of sheet music
- archivists may want to help us to properly record our concerts
- if you are interested in legacy and a bit of adventure you can help to commission the world premiere of a new Aotearoa New Zealand Choral composition
There are many different options for you to choose from, something to fit any size pocket.
Donations of any level are welcome and because we are a registered charity, donations are tax deductible.
With our new initiative SPONSOR A SINGER, your donation will directly support our amazing young singers with their membership fees.
Here are three easy options to donate:
ONLINE: have a look at all the donation options and donate online.
INTERNET BANKING: Donate straight into our bank account, through internet banking or across the counter. Please use your name and type of donation in the reference fields.
Account Number: 06-0501-0042241-000
Account Name: Choirs Aotearoa New Zealand Trust
SEND A CHEQUE: Freepost to
Choirs Aotearoa New Zealand Trust
PO Box 25025
Wellington 6146
Please note your name and type of donation in an enclosed note. Donations are tax deductible (over $5).
Aotearoa NZ Academy Choir is managed by Choirs Aotearoa New Zealand Trust, a registered charity CC21921. Read more about Choirs Aotearoa New Zealand (ChoirsNZ).